Chiaramonte Gulfi
Established in 1996 by Vito Catania, Gulfi is founded on the principles of nurturing traditional vineyards with organic viticulture and vinifying in a non-intrusive way. Catania, with the guidance of the legendary Salvo Foti, has carefully selected vineyards around Pachino and Val di Noto, in Sicily’s extreme South East – the finest terroir for Nero d’Avola – to highlight the diversity of site and the pedigree of variety.
Gulfi focuses primarily on Sicily’s emblematic grape, Nero d’Avola, and through it articulate the territorial differences of their vineyards with an extensive range of ‘cru’ wines. From the pulpy...READ MORE
Chiaramonte Gulfi
Established in 1996 by Vito Catania, Gulfi is founded on the principles of nurturing traditional vineyards with organic viticulture and vinifying in a non-intrusive way. Catania, with the guidance of the legendary Salvo Foti, has carefully selected vineyards around Pachino and Val di Noto, in Sicily’s extreme South East – the finest terroir for Nero d’Avola – to highlight the diversity of site and the pedigree of variety.
Gulfi focuses primarily on Sicily’s emblematic grape, Nero d’Avola, and through it articulate the territorial differences of their vineyards with an extensive range of ‘cru’ wines. From the pulpy and juicy Rossojbleo to the darkly nuanced Nerobuffaleffj, Gulfi captures Nero d’Avola in all its moods. In Addition to Nero d’Avola in purezza, they also produce the classic DOCG of Cerasuolo di Vittoria, and two whites, ‘Valcanzjria’, employing Chardonnay, Carricante and Albanello, and 'Carricantji', which is predominantly Carricante with a little Albanello.
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